Family Reunification in Spain: How It Works (2024)


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Moving to a new country is a journey filled with mixed emotions. There’s the excitement of exploring unfamiliar territories, the challenge of adapting to a new culture, and of course, the occasional longing for the familiarity of home. Spain has become a second home for many. However, even in the most comforting surroundings, the presence of family brings a unique warmth that’s unmatched.

Through this article, we’ll guide you through the process of family reunification in Spain, helping ensure that your loved ones can be by your side as you build a life in this beautiful country.


  • Family reunification in Spain emphasizes the country’s deep-rooted respect for family bonds.
  • Eligibility primarily focuses on legal residents who’ve resided in Spain for a specified duration and on specific family members.
  • The application process involves gathering essential documents, submitting the application, and awaiting approval.
  • Reunified family members enjoy rights like work, residency, access to public services, and integration opportunities.
  • Overcoming challenges such as the language barrier and cultural differences is facilitated through various resources in Spain.
  • Spanish communities and online platforms offer valuable support and information for foreigners seeking reunification.

Understanding Family Reunification in Spain

Understanding Family Reunification in Spain

Family reunification in Spain is a testament to the nation’s belief in the sanctity and importance of familial bonds. It’s not just about bringing family members together; it’s about ensuring that even as foreigners, you feel rooted, supported, and truly at home.

Spain’s Embrace of Families

At the heart of Spanish culture lies a deep-rooted respect for family. Familial ties are considered the backbone of society, providing strength and stability to individuals.

Spain’s commitment to keeping families together is not just seen in its cultural practices but also reflected in its policies and laws. For foreigners making Spain their new home, the country offers a family reunification policy as a bridge to bring their loved ones closer.

What is Family Reunification?

Family reunification is a process that allows legal residents or citizens of Spain to bring their immediate family members to live with them. The primary objective is to ensure that families separated due to migration or other reasons can be reunited, fostering a sense of belonging and support.

It recognizes that while economic or educational opportunities might pull someone to a new country, the emotional well-being that family provides is essential for a wholesome life.

In Spain, this policy is not just a legal provision; it’s a reflection of the country’s empathetic understanding of the challenges faced by foreigners. It acknowledges that while every new beginning is an adventure, some adventures are best experienced with loved ones by one’s side.

Eligibility Criteria

Before embarking on the journey of family reunification in Spain, it’s essential to understand the conditions and requirements. Spain has set forth specific criteria to ensure the process is smooth and benefits those genuinely in need. Let’s dive into these prerequisites with clarity, ensuring you’re well-prepared and confident about taking the next steps.

Who Can Apply?

Legal Residents of Spain

This applies to individuals who have legally resided in Spain for at least one continuous year. Additionally, they should have obtained a permit to stay for at least another year.


Refugees in Spain have a distinct advantage as they can apply for family reunification without waiting for a year, considering the special circumstances surrounding their status.

Which Family Members Can Be Brought to Spain?

Spouse or Common-Law Partner

If you’re married, you can apply for your spouse. For those in a registered common-law relationship or similar, they too can be eligible. It’s essential to note that Spain does not allow concurrent reunification for multiple partners, meaning if you have more than one spouse, only one can be sponsored at a time.


You can apply for your children, including adopted children, provided they are under 18. If they have a disability and are dependent on you, the age limit may be exempt.


If your parents are over 65 and you wish to bring them to Spain, you can apply for reunification. Exceptions to the age requirement can be made under specific circumstances, such as if they have health conditions and require your care.

While the above information provides a broad overview, individual situations might vary. It’s always beneficial to consult with an immigration expert or lawyer to understand the specifics related to your unique circumstances.

The Application Process

The Application Process

Taking Steps Together

Embarking on the family reunification process can feel like a significant journey. However, with a clear understanding of the steps involved, it becomes a shared journey with your loved ones.

Each milestone brings you closer to the day when you’ll be united in Spain. Let’s break down this process into manageable stages to ensure you have a clear path ahead.

Gathering Essential Documents

Before you initiate the application, you’ll need to gather the necessary documents to substantiate your request. These include:

Proof of Relationship

Marriage certificates for spouses, birth certificates for children, and other relevant documents for family members.

Proof of Legal Residence

Your current residence permit or visa, showing you’ve lived in Spain for the required duration.

Proof of Adequate Housing

Documents showing you have suitable accommodation for your family, such as a housing report from the municipality where you reside.

Financial Stability

Proof that you have stable and regular means to support your family. This could include employment contracts, bank statements, or income tax returns.

Initiating the Application

Application Form: Obtain the family reunification application form, which is usually available online or at local immigration offices. Fill it out diligently, ensuring all details are accurate.

Submission: Submit the application form along with the gathered documents to the designated government office. In most cases, this would be the Foreigner’s Office (Oficina de Extranjeros) in your province.

Appointment: After submission, you might be asked to schedule an appointment for an interview or to provide additional documentation, if required.

The Waiting Period

Once your application has been submitted, there will be a waiting period. This time allows the authorities to review your application and make a decision.

  • Typically, the decision is made within a few months, but it’s advisable to check the specific time frame based on your province or region.
  • You’ll receive a notification about the application’s status—whether it’s been approved, rejected, or if additional information is needed.

Welcoming Your Family

Once the application is approved, your family members will be given a visa to enter Spain. Upon arrival, they will need to apply for a residence card, marking the final step in the reunification process.

Rights of the Reunified Family Members

A Warm Embrace by Spain

Spain’s approach to family reunification isn’t just about bringing your loved ones to the country. It’s also about ensuring that they enjoy rights and privileges that enable them to lead fulfilling lives alongside you.

From the moment your family members set foot in Spain, they’re not just guests; they’re part of the vibrant, diverse fabric that makes Spain unique. Let’s delve into the rights that reunified family members are entitled to in their new home.

Work and Residency Rights

Right to Work: One of the most empowering aspects of family reunification in Spain is the right to work. From the moment they obtain their residence card, your family members have the freedom to seek employment or even establish their businesses, allowing them to contribute and thrive in their new environment.

Residence Permit: Reunified family members receive a residence permit that typically aligns with the duration of the sponsor’s permit. This ensures continuity and stability for the family, reducing the need for frequent renewals.

Access to Public Services and Benefits

Spain’s public healthcare system is known for its efficiency and quality. Your reunified family members will have access to this system, ensuring they receive the care and support they need for their well-being.

For families with children, Spain’s commitment to education shines through. Children have the right to attend public schools, benefiting from a robust educational framework that values holistic development.

Beyond healthcare and education, reunified family members can also access various social services, from integration programs to community support initiatives, helping them settle and build connections.

Integration and Community Participation

Spain believes in the integration of its foreign residents. As such, reunified family members are encouraged to participate in local community activities, cultural events, and other public forums. This ensures they’re not just residing in Spain, but actively becoming a part of its rich tapestry.

Common Concerns & Addressing Them

Common Concerns & Addressing Them

Journeying Hand in Hand

While the prospect of reuniting with family in Spain brings immense joy, it’s natural for both the sponsor and the arriving members to have concerns. These apprehensions stem from the unknowns of integrating into a new society.

Recognizing and addressing these concerns is essential to ensuring a smooth transition for everyone. Let’s shed light on some common worries and offer guidance on navigating them with grace and confidence.

Language Barrier

Spain primarily communicates in Spanish. This might pose challenges for family members unfamiliar with the language, potentially leading to feelings of isolation or difficulty in day-to-day tasks.

Spain offers numerous language integration programs designed for foreigners. Enrolling in these courses can be a wonderful way for family members to pick up the language while meeting others in a similar situation. Plus, many local communities have language exchange meetups, allowing for practical, real-world practice in a friendly setting.

Cultural Differences

Every culture has its unique customs, traditions, and nuances. Adapting to the Spanish way of life might seem daunting initially, from understanding siesta hours to participating in local festivals.

Embracing cultural differences is a journey of discovery. Attend local events, participate in community gatherings, and be open to learning. Over time, what seemed foreign will become familiar and even cherished. The Spanish community is known for its warmth and is often eager to share its traditions with newcomers.

Well-being of Children and Elderly Family Members

For families with children or elderly members, ensuring their well-being in a new environment is paramount. From finding suitable schools to accessing healthcare, there might be concerns about how they will adapt and thrive.

Spain’s infrastructure for both the young and elderly is commendable. Children can benefit from an inclusive education system, while older family members have access to excellent healthcare facilities. Moreover, there are numerous expatriate communities and support groups where one can seek advice and share experiences.

Building New Relationships and Communities

Starting afresh in a new country means forging new relationships and finding one’s community, which can be both exciting and nerve-wracking.

Engaging in local activities, joining clubs or organizations aligned with personal interests, or volunteering can open doors to new friendships. Spain’s diverse expatriate community also offers a welcoming space to connect with those who’ve walked a similar path.

Helpful Resources

While Spain extends a welcoming embrace to all its residents, it’s entirely normal to seek guidance, especially when it comes to complex processes like family reunification.

Thankfully, Spain boasts a plethora of resources tailored to assist foreigners. These resources, like trusted companions, offer guidance, clarity, and reassurance, ensuring you never feel lost or overwhelmed.

English-speaking Legal Advisors and Organizations

Seeking advice from professionals can provide clarity and peace of mind. Spain has numerous legal advisors and organizations that offer services in English, understanding the unique challenges faced by non-Spanish speakers. They can assist in:

  • Navigating the Application Process: Helping ensure all documents are correctly prepared and submitted.
  • Understanding Rights: Offering insight into the rights and responsibilities of reunified family members.
  • Addressing Concerns: Providing a platform to discuss and resolve any apprehensions or issues that may arise.

Integration Programs or Workshops for Families

Spain recognizes the importance of smooth integration for foreigners. As such, various programs and workshops are designed to help families acclimatize:

  • Language Courses: From formal classroom settings to casual conversation clubs, there’s a multitude of options tailored to different learning preferences.
  • Cultural Workshops: These offer insights into Spanish customs, traditions, and daily life, ensuring families can immerse themselves confidently.
  • Community Events: Local councils often organize events that encourage community participation, fostering connections and friendships.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

As we approach the end of our guide on family reunification in Spain, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the essence of this journey. It’s not merely about paperwork, eligibility criteria, or understanding rights. At its core, this process is about love, unity, and the unbreakable bonds of family.

Living in Spain, with its enchanting landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, is a dream for many. But the true beauty of life here is amplified manifold when shared with loved ones. The laughter of family gatherings, the comfort of familiar faces, and the shared memories created in this beautiful land make every effort worth it.

The path to family reunification might seem intricate at times, but each step is a testament to your dedication and love for your family. And Spain, in its warm and embracing manner, supports you at every juncture. The nation’s policies, resources, and community stand as pillars, guiding and assisting you as you work towards bringing your family closer.

While this guide has aimed to shed light on the practicalities of the process, always remember the emotional and profound impact of your journey. Each form filled, every document submitted, and every day waited is a step towards a future where your family stands united under the Spanish sun, relishing the joys and facing challenges together.

In Spain, the saying “Mi casa es tu casa” – “My home is your home” – resonates deeply. And through family reunification, Spain ensures that its home becomes a shared haven for you and your loved ones. As you move forward, may your days be filled with love, unity, and countless cherished moments in your Spanish haven.

ABOUT Frederik

Frederik has been navigating the expat world since 2013, accumulating a treasure trove of tips and advice for living internationally. His expertise is a cornerstone of, where he provides guidance on the essentials of expat life. Frederik's articles are a beacon for anyone seeking to understand the intricacies of adapting to a new country.

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